Location: Tanzania

A voice for marginalised communities on biodiversity conservation
- JRS – Radio Kwizera

JRS – Radio Kwizera used the grant project to train individuals in climate change reporting and produce numerous pieces of content. Fifteen journalists from five different radio stations participated in a three-day training, before producing 20 programmes and 700 radio spots. The station also recruited 280 young people and a further 10 journalists, who produced 10 magazines and 10 documentaries. They also produced several one-hour live panel discussions. The content centred around raising awareness on the importance of conserving plant species, water sources and eco-friendly farming methods. The live panel discussions looked specifically at biodiversity conservation around the Kagera basin. Through their reporting, participants were able to have an impact on the promotion of sustainable land use practices to accelerate agricultural productivity and minimise habitat loss and environmental degradation. It also encouraged the participation of marginalised communities in using eco-friendly energy sources.

Raising awareness on climate change and pushing for policy action
- Nukta Africa

Through this grant, Nukta Africa produced 10 data-driven and special reports, 10 infographics, 10 podcast episodes and five videos on various topics related to climate change, such as indiscriminate tree felling and ocean pollution. The project helped raise awareness for the general public and aimed to push policymakers, businesses and government officials to take actions to protect the environment and mitigate the effects of climate change. In addition to producing new content on climate change and the environment, the project allowed journalists to share solutions to help reduce the effects of environmental destruction in Tanzania. Nukta Africa reached 420,000 people on all platforms with its climate change content.

Capacity building to protect the environment
- Buha FM Radio

This project focused on capacity building for the news media in western Tanzania to explore the threats that species and habitats face across the country. It aimed to inform the general public and policymakers of the consequences of biodiversity loss, the impact on human livelihood and initiatives to mitigate it. The project combined classroom study with field visits, as well as expert instruction on the impacts of climate change, deforestation and land degradation. Journalists were able to develop their skills in mobile, solution-based, multimedia and data journalism in order to help improve media coverage of topics on climate change and the environment.